(Virus'? Virusees?) Like it says on the tin. Here you may discuss the different weaponized viruses of the series and why you find them so fascinating. I am normal about these, I swear about it For example, while I could write on and on about the Plaga species, I will talk briefly on the T-Virus. (I am tired).
I think the most interesting thing about the T-Virus is that it does not actually create zombies. We refer to the infected as zombies because that is what we can compare them too. However, it works more similarly to CWD or rabies. It grants the infected increased durability and speed, but it increases the metabolism so severely to keep up with this that the body starts to rot, and hypothetically increases aggression due to what it does to the brain. (increased temperature, brain tissue decay).
This makes it rather ineffective as a weaponized virus but is why it's a good base to build other infections on. I find that very intriguing.