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coding my spacehey [background colour/image doesn't work!]

Posted by Lulu


Forum: SpaceHey

is this the right forum to post???

anyways hi yalls first post... Im very confused as to how html works I grew up on BBCode forums not used to this at all...........

pls help me out I copy pastd a code and set it to the background colour i wanted, but then when I messed around it didnt work (I wanted an image) so I changed it back to the colour and it didnt work when I tried again?!

sorry very tired I spent hours trying to figure this out so first forum post is very messy and full of typos.... 

thanks in advance whoever helps out!!

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4 Replies

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Reply by TektoCore


Hiya !

You can copy paste this code to inlay an image or background color.

Background image code


body {

background-image: url(URL PICTURE); 


Background color code


body {

background-color: #c0c0c0; 


I hope this will help

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Reply by Lulu


ty!! I tried that exact one but somehow it still doesn't work, probably not compatible with the rest of my code.... ill try without it


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Reply by DeerseLark


What is the code you're trying to use? Background images have to be hosted by a server so they can be retrieved, so it might have to be re-uploaded to something like postimg.cc

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Reply by Lulu


I was using Imgur before, but that seems to be the problem!! Changed to discord and it works like magic!!

TYSM <33

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