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What are your Comfort Combos ?

Posted by Yufoh


Forum: Food and Restaurants

Hey so I started thinking about cinnamon toast crunch recently and I started picturing this old cartoon called Sitting Ducks (3D animated show about ducks and Crocs not important) and I was wondering

What foods do you pair with a show or movie?

In other words what are your, comfort combos?

EX: Cheese Pizza with Extra Cheese paired with a VHS copy of TMNT2 Secret of th Ooze

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3 Replies

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Reply by wuppycat


my favourite combination is an iced raspberry coffee from dunkin, a freshly packed bowl of weed, and old episodes of fraggle rock! 🩷

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Reply by xenon


cheez its and jjba

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Reply by MaliceMace.mp3 🍉


Well when I'm going through something and need some comfort I adore Kraft Mac and cheese (specifically the powder version) with a cup of chocolate milk

Aaand maybe some nice movie like who framed Rodger rabbit or something

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