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Favorite/Essential DOOM/DOOM2 Mods

Posted by lookitsrobbie


Forum: Games

What are your favorite DOOM/DOOM 2 Mods, or ones that you think everyone should play?

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Reply by Rombred


Honestly I was messing with Brutal DOOM abit ago, though the creator of it is mad weird, lol.

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Reply by jolenethekitty


gameplay mods/tcs:

complex doom clusterfuck (use the nexus version)
BYOC (bring your own class)
brutal doom
brutal wolfenstein
cold as hell
DooM center
ghostbusters doom
batman doom
ghouls forest
goldeneye doom
pirate doom
the hotel (run with skulltag, you can run it on zandronum w/ skulltag actors but the lighting will be fucked)
unloved (play singleplayer only)
BlooM (blood + doom)
daytime drama
hideous destructor
doom 2 xtreme
beautiful doom
smooth doom
burl tumd
colourful hell
embers of armageddon
dead marine
doom delta
final doomer
gardevoir has a gun
golden souls 1, 2, 3
brutal doom + hell on earth starter pack
highway acceleroid booster
high noon drifter
la tailor girl (very lewd)
meta doom
naku naru
nobody told me about ID
pro doomer
russian overkill
dio/shadow dio doom
war rooster
igors mod
voxel doom
vanilla essence

the thing you cannot defeat
alien vendetta
ancient aliens
back to saturn x
black tartarus (huge slaughtermap, run only if you have a good pc)
consolation prize
diabolus EX
doom the way ID did
doom 2 the way ID did
knee deep in knee deep in ZDOOM
new gothic movement
slaughterfest 2011
slaughterfest 2012
speed of doom
strange aeons
tarachillax (huge slaughtermap, is impossible to play legitimately)
UAC Ultra
UAC Vinur Prime Research Base

enjoy having actual good doom mods instead of soyslop like myhouse.wad or some other shit :D

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Reply by lookitsrobbie


omg thank you !!! myhouse was getting on my fucking nerves, i'll give some of these a try for sure!

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Reply by XxX_ThatXboxKid_XxX


alway keep in mind to check out doom world, maybe weekly/ bi-weekly to if any new wads got uploaded! great source of brand new stuff coming out!

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Reply by Koko


first, holy crap that's a LOT of doom mods. I'll look through them later.

I gotta recommend what i call the terminus Trilogy: High Noon Drifter, Highway Acceleroid Booster, and Demonsteele. These three mods are made by the same creator and are SUPER different from one another, but are so insanely customizable with a bunch of options and QOL stuff that it's just a pleasure to play. 

MyHouse.WAD can be pretty frustrating, but if you know what you're doing it's an unsettling romp, and pretty fun if you wanna get lost for a little bit.

I've been doing a wad called ALFONZONE, it's seperated into 10 episodes, each with a different theme, and I've been playing a different gameplay mod for each episode (Episode one I played a mod called Hellrider, Episode 2 I played guncaster vindicated, Episode 3 I played Demonsteele, and Episode 4 I've been doing Halo Doom Evolved. I might pick a gameplay mod from this thread for future Episodes :o

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