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i just came back from work like an hr ago and have tons of hw 2 finish b4 i start my spring break next week yet i am super tired, but this just could not w8.

so, 1 of my fav youtubers, y2k ceo vitaly, recently uploaded a video of the now-defunct social network-turned-clothing store, vampirefreaks:

i'm sure many of us who have heard of it in passing in recent yrs (like myself), and those who actually used it during its prime in the 2000s, knew of its existence as a social network.

but 4 those who r unbeknownst 2 the site and its former existence, vampirefreaks was basically a social networking website founded in 1999 designed 4 subcultures consisting of goths, vampires (hence it's name, vampirefreaks), and rivetheads. it started off as a msg board website dedic8ed 2 gothic and industrial music, but as the 2000s came around, when vampirefreaks started gaining a following among the aforementioned groups of ppl, the site started incorpor8ing more features within its site, like user groups known as "cults," event pages, music interviews, models, and frequent design contests. basically, vampirefreaks walked so myspace could run.

unfortunately, not all that glitters is gold, and in june 2019, just 20 yrs after the site was launched, the owner of the site, jet berelson, announced that the social networking aspect would b shut down in early 2020 due 2 wanting 2 shift focus towards the online store aspect, as well as the dark side of the con, an alternative gathering which is organized by the company that still goes on 2 this day.

so, ik the majority of ppl on the og myspace and spacehey are/were part of alternative subcultures, and they r probably yearning 4 a site that is similar 2 the once iconic vampirefreaks, so, don't u worry y'all, bc i think i have the website 4 u:


it's called vampire rave. it came out in 2004, just 5 yrs after vampirefreaks was released, and basically has everything vampirefreaks once had, just w/o the music, models, events, and design contests. but it still works pretty well.

so yea, what do y'all think? if any1 is a goth, a mallgoth, a vampire, or a rivethead, or just a part of any alternative subculture in general, do u think u will b joining this website? if so, lmk and i hope u have fun.

ilusm and i'll ttyl!! bye bye!!

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3 Replies

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Reply by malice


tried out vr because of that video and tbh i only find like the same 30 people over and over and they all have this weird pretentious air about them and have incredibly fragile egos lmao. i had to change my profile pic to something less girly so these 40 year old weirdos would stop trying to hit me up in my messages and then rating my pages super low when i don't respond. honestly people are better off finding other goth spaces that aren't so weird

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Reply by Ocean


Ah wow, amazing! What a great resource, thank you for sharing it!

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omg wait tysm for this, this is awesome!!! rlly appreciate it

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