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Elder Scrolls and everything about it :)

Posted by Elii<3


Forum: Games

Lets talk anything Elder Scrolls, ill start with what is your favorite Elder Scrolls game?

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Reply by jolenethekitty


skyrim, all because of the modding support.

when it comes to raw, vanilla gameplay: daggerfall.

when it comes to modern raw gameplay: morrowind.

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Reply by Seathan


That's a difficult one. I had a great time with Morrowind, but Skyrim is way more modern. Morrowind was way more immersive and made sense and had way more depth and detail to it while Skyrim was graphically polished and cut straight to the point of the core mechanics. I think I'll have to play them again to get a better comparison.

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Reply by TheLonelyGiraffeMusic


oblivion for the nostalgic “haha” moments when the npc do their… things 

skyrim cuz, you can kill dragons!!!! but can’t marry serana :( 

the mods made skyrim the inmortal flag of bethesda and added a tons of replays and things to try, skyrim is definitely huge! thank you modders! 

never played morrowind but i will give it a chance one day

arena and daggerfall (unity) are amazing and made me more interested about the lore

teso, never played it xd 

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