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Metaverse…how to claim it?

Interesting article on the metaverse buzz. The TLDR, of it is, that metaverse will become another consumer brand of streaming wars. 

I am curious of how an open metaverse can work?  What can a community like this do to claim there own space? What VR apps are open and community?

An example, I have see is Yale university has a program where they give their students headsets to create their own worlds with the unity engine. 

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Reply by Merzcat


It's as simple as not using an Oculus HMD or Meta's social services like Horizon.
There have existed Metaverse programs for years such as AltspaceVR and VRChat.
The only threat they pose is buying up all of the popular programs and hiring all of the most talented individuals with the ability to create virtual worlds.

They're already trying to buy everyone out and if they refuse they threaten them.
It's pretty awful and they absolutely need to be dealt with.

I'm not too worried about Meta since there are more people who hate them than those willing to submit, add to the fact they are going against major competitors like Apple, Valve and Sony.
I think overtime Meta will fade into irrelevance because at the end of the day who would choose them over something like Apple and Sony.
Sony is going to dominate virtual reality gaming and Apple will dominate augmented reality.

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Reply by nights :)


pretty much everything merzcat said. the launch of the "meta" isn't very different from the launch of vrchat, and the biggest threat is facebook buying up the most talented individuals. stuff like this could be solved by stricter laws regarding vertical integration specifically relating to technology & entertainment companies, but i don't see this coming anytime soon, considering the amount of money they make.

the words "virtual reality" and "augmented reality" sound scary to people who aren't familiar with technology, so whatever "threat" they may have is very overplayed. they want it to sound scary so people don't pay attention & gradually accept it, or just in general talk about it & overblow it. you don't even have to "reclaim" it - you can "claim" it by supporting altspace, vrchat, and other similar programs, making your own worlds, or just...not supporting facebook, i guess.

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Reply by Akira


I straight up do not support oculus when it comes to vr. Facebook is going to turn vr into a capitalistic scummy war. I highly recommend if anyone wants a good low entry vr headset, go for a used wmr headset. they preform well with most games, sometimes you might have to rebind. 

Vr is going the way of old internet and I just wanna smack facebooks hand away. They started exclusives and now its gonna poison other markets. Meta is a joke as a vrchat player anyways. They wanna market squeaky clean vr experiences until you look at what people really want. Vr needs to stay open and free. Do not buy oculus!!!

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I think if the G E N E R A L   A U D I E N C E S manage to honeypot themselves in the ad-orgy that will be Meta, that just leaves VRChat to filter in the cool guys. Or it's just wishful thinking. Still, VRChat is cool, and has been for quite a few years now.. although following the Metaverse announcement, I don't know how much longer it can hold.

Edit: VRChat doesn't have a parent company or anything - if/when it gets bought out by a greedy tech corp, that's when the other shoe drops.

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