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EPIC Make a story! I need everyones help...

Posted by Shaunda


Forum: Books and Stories

Using the comments, let's make a story! All of us read the comments before and take turns adding to the story. Before you know it, it will be so crazy and fun we can all enjoy it! 3 sentence MAX on adding. Let's have some fun!

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11 Replies

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Reply by Shaunda


The fog in the air was nearly smothering as I walked down the street towards home. Still very dark, yet early morning. I could barely see.

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Reply by Jessika ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ


The ground below me was uneven and I had trouble keeping my footing. Although it seemed fruitless and I reached my arms out, I didn't expect to feel something.

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Reply by Witch


It got brighter - suddenly. I looked up and there was the Moon - the strangest moon I've ever seen: it was white and wrinkled and had cold neon-like halo. "I must be very tired," I thought, "or I must be dreaming."

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Reply by Dark Harbinger of the Abyss


I took in the surroundings and passively absorbed some of the Power with a capital 'p'.. At this hour, the road was lined with a row of empty well-kept mansions. It gave the place a spooky feel, intensified by the energy I could feel in the air and within me. There's a reason why werewolves transform on the full moon, and why the witching hour exists as a concept.

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Reply by Dark Harbinger of the Abyss


I ignored him. Sam's always been a little bit of a jerk. I paid good money to live here because of the magical power in the air in this place, I reserve the right to appreciate it to the fullest, because after all, I AM a warlock.

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Reply by Witch


I discretely looked at the moon again. Thankfully Sam drifted into his own mind overwhelmed by a toxic combination of nearly smothering fog and cheap alcohol; he was humming some strange tune, and if I didn't know him better I would swear it was "How soon is now" by The Smiths. I smiled to myself: maybe in his charming ignorance he was onto something --- maybe somewhere here, in one of these well-kept mansions there were some witches having a sleepover. 

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Reply by Dark Harbinger of the Abyss


I let my mind drift back to my lab, where I had so much that I wanted to do. It's not often that I get to come here after all, after all, not everyone is cool with a warlock operating openly among them. Suffer a witch not to live and all.

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Reply by Lordking Byron


While considering the ramifications of turning Sam into a sheep, I kept walking. These woods are lovely, dark, and deep. But I must stay wary, for fae circles abound in the darkness. And you should know better than to make any deals or strike any bargains with them. To that end, I tensed my hand over the Awareness Potion on my utility belt. It was gilded with protective runes and enchantments so that only I could make use of it. 

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Reply by Ask for Donna


Suddenly, Sam yelled at me, slurring his words, “what the hell are you doing? You’re going to get soaked!”.  The fog had lifted enough for him to see me at this distance and I knew he saw me smile as I turned and said tunelessly, “Sam, shut your mouth, how can you say, I go about things the wrong way?”.

He laughed a boozy laugh and replied, “I am human and I need to be lo-o-o-oved”.

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Reply by Vibrant Zendoja


I look over at him, wrinkling my nose in disgust. "Because your mother didn't love you enough as a kid, Sam? Yeah, thought so. Now can we PLEASE go." I groaned, starting to walk again, not really caring if he followed. I heard him whine about some shit, but I didn't pay attention to whatever it was. The moon was high in the sky as we walked through the dark and musty forest, the leaves crunching underfoot.

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Reply by F L 0 (aka F L 0 (F L 0))


As the path becomes more and more obscure as we treked into the darkness, I suddenly hear steps that were neither mine or Sam's. Too light to be anything
human, that's usually a bad sign. "Get down !" I whisper to Sam while
covering his mouth, now was the time to lay low...

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