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Career paths

Posted by Jaque Mateo


Forum: Life

Would yall choose something that makes you happy, as a job or choose something just because it gives you good money. I personally feel that I would end up very miserable if I choose something just becuase it gives me "good money", and I know there are a lot of interesting jobs I can choose from but life is too short to not do what I truly enjoy but I feel like I will end up broke or even poor from it (I wanna do art for living lol). Nowadays you REALLY need money to live happily, and I mean the basic necesities but for that you need a reallty stable job and I would hate myself for not choosing what I actually enjoy doing just becuase "money, cuz at the end I am going to die, all that money will stay here, I wouldve died not doing what I like doing. I need money to live in the world I was not asked to be born into, and yeah life is not easy ofc but why should I not choose what I am passionate about. 

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Reply by Gluma


Honestly, I have no idea what I want to do as a longtime career but, as of right now, I’m choosing the career path where I can “reliably” get money out of it (or, at least, a job). I’m planning to get a Nursing degree once I graduate high school and there’s a small fear within me that I’m gonna regret it because really, the only reason I’m doing it in the first place is because nursing is a common job in my family so...I decided to just do it. I don’t think it’s a job I’ll love but it won’t be one I hate, either (I hope). I don’t really mind having a job that I don’t ever really love because as long as it doesn’t actively make me miserable, I can tough it out, I think. I mean, my part time job right now (animal shelter) isn’t necessarily the best but I like interacting with animals and I have the occasional good day with adopters/people.

Money is pretty important to me and I genuinely wish for a life where I can have the time and money to pursue my hobbies at my own pace, which is why I’m fine with taking up jobs that I don’t really like (however, I literally have only ever had one job so it’s not like I actually understand what a job I dislike is, yet). I respect and get why people would prioritize their own happiness first above all else but I lived a good portion of my childhood having to be content with less-than-ideal situations due to money problems and I just don’t wanna repeat that all over again u_u

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