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A thread where we share and talk about old youtube videos

by "old", i guess anything from ~2012 and before, or if it says "HQ" in the title but only goes up to 480p.

here're a couple from my Liked Videos playlist! man remember when you could set those to "public" and have other people look at your likes? god youtube sucks now

Konbini Store Song

a recreation of Ichigo Marshmallow's opening, but with the characters from Etrian Odyssey

The Tender March

Sweet Sweet Days (Soutaiseiriron was a surprisingly common occurrence back then, huh?)

Pettan Pettan Tsurupettan

Po Pi Po

F.O.E! (even on spacehey (°д°))

and finally, this Shadow The Hedgehog AMV

...that was more than a couple, but those are a couple i found just from going through my likes. i found out also that a couple of my liked videos got taken down, but they still show up in my playlist, but i can't watch them...? god i hate youtube so much

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Reply by ✨Orionnn✨



This is a classic, one of my all time favorites.

"Remember: You can have a great day if you make it a great day!"

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