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Suggestions to improve the experience when using Spacehey

Posted by Cara Incógnito


Forum: SpaceHey Group

Certainly the website creator has his reasons for not implementing the functions I will suggest below. Regardless of the reason for not having these functions here, know that they are essential functions for any website of this type. Unfortunately, the public does not stay on a website when they realize that things like this are not available on a website, interest drops and then the user disappears and never comes back. I really want Spacehey to grow, and to have more good users interacting.

Urgent suggestions:

1) Quote button in forum topics, as it greatly facilitates communication. (if possible, notification of quote reply would also be welcome too)

2) Image upload. I know it would take up a lot of space and such, but it is very tiring for users who are not used to using other sites to upload images to post here. (There must be some security mechanism to prevent inappropriate images from being posted as gore, and that it is not too stressful for the moderators)

3) Feed with group forum topics updates, with most recent replies. The lack of this function, in my opinion, is the main reason why users don't stay on the site. If the person doesn't know or does not have the patience to look for a group with interaction, interest will disappear, as the user will think that the site is abandoned, especially if they only find groups with old posts.

4) Numerical pagination in topics. The current way is not good, especially in pages with more than 100 replies, and 1000 replies

And is that.

If we want to see these functions on Sapacehey we have to get together and ask the creator, on his profile or through support email. Hugs to you who read my post

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Reply by chel-c


I agree 100% !!!!! don't want this site to die. 

maybe also implementing a feature that somehow limits minors from adding adults, such as an 18+ page feature? unless they already have that and I forgot, or didn't see it. I know Reddit has that option. 

I just wonder if it would encourage adults to be explicit and nsfw on their pages. could be reported obviously but still. I have no interest in posting NSFW but I also have no interest in being friends with, or messaging minors. 

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Reply by Marilynn Dawson,NHP


I was just thinking that there must be some place where new activity in groups and forums can be found.  For that not to be here, and if you like to be in many groups and part of many forums, it would get tedious quickly to discover you have to pour through your entire list to find anything new.  

As it is, I discovered that your profile's forum topic list does NOT include any forum topics you have interacted with inside groups.  Yet at the same time, if you click the forum tab and click create, you are asked which group to put it in. . . I do see potential here, but an aggregate gathering point for new and updated content you have created or interacted with, is necessary.

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Reply by Marilynn Dawson,NHP


So I did a test yesterday. . . I can leave comments on my profile!  What this means is that when we are posting in other groups/forums/blogs, etc, before leaving the area we were active in, grabbing the title and link of what we were doing and creating a comment from the list.  This will tell ourselves where we were yesterday to check for any activity in response to it, and tell others where they can go to find current activity as well.

The idea is that when we want to check for new activity, we can copy and paste each link into a new tab rather than scratch our heads wondering where we'd been to see if anyone else pitched in.

Another idea related to this, was if someone created a blog post and titled it:  Site Activity, and after compiling our activity list as above, we add it as a comment to this blog post, and everyone goes there to see the active zones around the site.

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