I have a female king snake named Aztec! I’m no expert on taking care of snakes but one care tip I could share is a tip dealing with stuck shed:
First of all, stuck shed shouldn’t be a normal thing and if it is, that’s very bad! The most common cause for frequent stuck shed is usually husbandry issues so make sure the temperature isn’t too high/low, there’s surfaces with rough edges to help with sliding shed off, the water bowl is big enough for the snake to soak most of its body in, etc. If nothing is wrong with your husbandry, then it may be a medical issue and you gotta take the lil guy to the vet! Anyway, if you do get stuck shed, I usually just get a plastic container (ex: I use a baloney container you’d find at the grocery store lol but I’m gonna switch it to a bigger one soon) filled with warm, wet paper towels and place it in Aztec’s tank. She does her thing and the stuck shed is gone! There was a time when there was stuck shed on her face and it didn’t come off my usual way so I just got a big tray, filled it with wet paper towels but also with warm water (don’t fill it too deep; make it like a very shallow puddle), and let Aztec slither inside it. It worked lmao
I personally wouldn’t suggest doing the tray thing as the first option since it can very much stress out a snake, depending on the snake you have (not even talking about species type; some snakes are just more skittish than others). Of course, it’s better to have a temporarily scared snake than a snake potentially becoming blind and/or losing its tail due to stuck shed.
Like I said, I’m no snake expert and really, this kind of thing may vary from snake to snake. But it’s definitely a tip that works for Aztec :o