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Do you think that crimes against women have increased?

Posted by vivi_:3


Forum: Life

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Reply by TechRider (Mélange)


I'm in the USA, so are we talking about a count of crimes against women for the whole country? For a region or state? City? Without cheating by looking at the stats, I would suspect that crimes against women are probably dropping (a bit) not as a result of lower crime rates but as a function of less crime reporting. That is, citizens are tired of reporting crimes only to see the weak prosecutors of today let the alleged criminals either walk free from custody just hours later or be sentenced to prison for absurdly minimal lengths of time.

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Reply by Jinnicide


Yes. Because their assailants never actually get punished when the crime is reported, like the other commenter said, a lot of crimes aren't reported because the victim knows that probably nothing will be handled properly. So men see this and with the knowledge that they will likely not get punished, go ahead and do all of these horrible things to us. The more we "let" them get away with it, the more they will. Time to start packing heat, sister. Knife, mace, gun, whatever. These men can't be trusted and the cops can't be trusted so you gotta fend for yourself even harder now unfortunately.

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