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Music similar to Penelope scott??

Posted by Pinkie Winkie


Forum: Music

So, i really like penelope scott's music (especially her album Public void) mostly because of the lyrics and the synth (i love how it sounds) and I'd like reccomendations for any songs, singles, albums and artists that are similar. Thnx a lot!

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2 Replies

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Reply by frost


listen to the album fishmonger by underscores

some songs are similar to public void but has influences from other genres like rock

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Reply by alexheimish


Lounge music has always held a special place in my heart, bridging genres and eras to weave a tapestry of auditory bliss. It's a reminder of music's power to connect us, to stir emotions, and to provide a backdrop for life's most contemplative moments.In my own journey through music, both as a listener and a creator, I've been exploring ways to share my sounds with more ears, particularly those who appreciate the nuanced layers of lounge music. This path led me to Spotify Promo a team that's been instrumental in amplifying my presence on Spotify, a platform where the appetite for diverse and rich musical experiences is vast. Their tailored approach to  promotion has opened new avenues for my music, connecting it with listeners who seek the serene and the soulful. For fellow artists looking to navigate the complex world of digital music promotion, I can't recommend them enough.

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