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plants vs zombies

Posted by JadedZetta


Forum: Games

who here plays this awesome game

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Reply by ThePwnzor


i playe it once but my computer 

i play it is fun because the plants killed the zombey 

if zombeyes killed by plant then i would say epic win

i would say

i saw the game and it look good 

but when looked at the game i play it and i win everytime so maybe the fjnae too easy?? but idk maybe the gamer i too good maybe idk

plants vs zombey is like if you could play on compuiter like zuma maybe zuma game so fun too actyuakky i like zime 

diod you play zuma


i beat game for plants zombey so you know by the way 

i did it

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Reply by JadedZetta


i no play zuma. it was on my list but me lost steam acoun...

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Reply by ThePwnzor


zuma best ganme besides my other games i like


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