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I made a spacehey dark mode extension :3

Posted by leah


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

It's a firefox only extension and isn't signed so you have to use ESR, or a development version of firefox, but if you load it up it does work!

Here's a link to it if you're interested


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Reply by leah


forgot to mention this, unless you disable signed extensions you can't load it permanently...

You have to go to about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox and load it temporarily, Unless you want to disable the signing requirement for extensions.

To attempt to remove the requirement for signed extensions:

  1. go to about:config
  2. find xpinstall.signatures.required and set it to false
Then restart Firefox and try to load the extension.

Please don't report bugs here, but at the github repo here.

Thanks, Leah
PS: This doesn't work on regular versions of firefox. You have to use Nightly, or Developer.

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Reply by leah


You can now install it in regular firefox as it's signed now! Although you'll get a warning when you add it, but it does work.

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