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Posted by daleko


Forum: Games

Just remembered katamari existed and now I'm hooked, playing it everywhere I go, on every system I have. 

What are your thoughts on the series? Have you ever played Katamari? I was looking to find more people who were into these silly games haha

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Reply by ThePwnzor


i liked it when the game played music that was like da da da d adda dadadadadaaaaaaaa

and then i saw this little creatyure roll the ball around making a mess

i whe i make a mess my step dad gets very angry and says stop

so i do not like the game but it is good and fun and cool becayse you can make mess and not get in troubles 

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Reply by Black Market Stray Cat


katamari is one of those games i wish i'd played when i was younger, i think i would've been super into it. i've been playing the remasters and i really like them.

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