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If you have any song recommendations tell me

Posted by Lennox


Forum: Music

I just want to listen to new songs and im willing to listen to any dong you recommend 

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Reply by Pooky


Here's a few that have been in my rotation as of late,

Sweet Homé are a small shoegaze band that I stumbled across a few days ago, I really dig their stuff

Another person I tend to listen to alot is Alex G, Heres my fav song from him atm

Lastly, Nick Drakes stuff is always soothing as ever, his stuff is very summer vibe for me so getting ready for the hotter months, I find im listening to him alot

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Reply by Cranky Old Witch


Here's some rock and roll songs from the 1940s 

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Reply by Lennox


thank you for the recommendation s I appreciate it 

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