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She will never come back 🐕

My dog died today at 10:55 am ...I just figured out 

I prefer to find out now and visualize that she will never greet me again than to find out at the worst moment. 

my little puppy...

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Reply by lily🌺🌴🐠


im so sorry for your loss :(

feel free to message me anytime if you wanna talk <3333

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Reply by 333H3llBl4ckC4t666


It's okay, your not alone, I had a very beloved family dog pass away this year, 

He was well behaved, very calm and docile, he listened even learned well, 

he wasn't perfect, he did chase the cat once in a while, but he was still a good dog.  

Rest well August, you won't ever be forgotten.

Same with you're dog, may they rest, and be remembered, I hope your doing well. 


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