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Deltarune theory!?!?

Posted by Pinkie Winkie


Forum: Games

Hiya, i have a theory about what might happen in the future chapters in Deltarune, lemme go ahead and say what it's about


So, at the start of the game, the player is asked to make a vessel, right? Where you choose characteristics for it and stuff. Yeah, this moment reminds me of anyther part in chapter one, where you make a "machine to trash you", where your choices were later on used in both chapters one and two, in a battle where the machine-thing is against us. And this has me thinking, this reminds me of the vessel situation at the start. So, what if, like in the other situation, the vessel isn't really exactly "discarded", but is actually just saved for later to be used in the game, as i suspect at the last chapter, as a final boss? Because, if you think about it, it could be possible, since that's definitely a thing that Toby would do. Also, proof that this theory could be true at the end is that I saw a post somewhere about how the vessel is actually saved in the game files, not exactly "discarded" Now, I'm not making you believe in this theory or anything, but it's just an interesting one, and I'd like for you at least to say your opinion on it. Thanks!

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4 Replies

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Reply by Nichole Vannest


You can fight the vessel later maybe depending on which answer you said on how you feel about it.

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Reply by ThePwnzor


what if deltarun was undertake\

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Reply by Neco-Arc Chaos


I agree, I do. It's a really well-done theory. As a matter of fact, I think something very similar, nya. Just imagine, we'll be the final boss, controlling the vessel. Remember when Kris threw our soul away? Well, if that happens again, we'll control the vessel.

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Reply by ultimate white boy


my theory is that the deltarune chapters will each feature a boss modelled after a chess piece, in the order of points each piece scores. king comes first, then the queen, and then the rook would come next, followed by the bishop. assuming each chapter takes a day, the fourth chapter, aka the bishop, would be on a sunday. kris has been invited to attend sunday mass. i believe that you are correct, and according to the chess theory, the pawn would feature in chapter six, so we might fight the vessel in the sixth chapter. sorry for the wall of text lol

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