so, over a month ago, on february 1st, bzoink shut down due 2 not making much money anymore, as well as the current st8 of the internet and how different the internet is now compared 2 when bzoink 1st launched in 2003, over 20 yrs ago.
i asked what happened 2 bzoink on the proboards, which u can find here:
4 a lil' bit, i was sad bc i thought that quizilla's legacy wouldn't continue 2 live going 4ward, until i came across this website via a reddit post.
it's called zenhex. the site was founded in late 2001, a lil' less than a yr b4 quizilla was released. basically, it's a site where u can make quizzes, forums, poetry, and fanfiction. sounds familiar, doesn't it?
but yea, even tho quizilla and bzoink r gone now, @ least we have 1 last piece of quiziilla-esque nostalgia, and hopefully it will stay 4 as long as possible. sure, there is nearly missing data spanning c. 2005-2012, but it still reigns supreme.
what do u think? will u b joining this website? if so, i hope 2 c y'all there.
ilusm and i'll ttyl!! bye bye!!