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Anyone else enjoys game soundtracks n soundtracks in general?

Posted by Tatsu0ni


Forum: Music

Anyone else enjoys soundtracks? 

Plz let's be friends, need to share them good tracks fr fr!

I listen to soundtracks by FlyByNo, Toby Fox, Jesper Kyd, Jeremy Soule n many others. I do tend to find musical geniuses on soundcloud n there's a big variety of tracks there!

My fav type of tracks are the ones that starts out chaoticly/ominously n progresses into the most beautiful melody (Fly By No - Dungeon of the endless - Lady Shaft) or vice versa where it starts out beautifully n becomes chaotic (Jesper Kyd - Darksiders II - Makers theme )

I Also have one downloaded track that has that trope, but it got deleted from soundcloud : /

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Reply by Black Market Stray Cat


i think i've posted something similar in the games forum already, but some of my favorite game soundtracks of all time are The World Ends with You, Sonic Rush, Jet Set Radio, and Mother 1 and 3. 

to name specific composers, Takeharu Ishimoto, Shoji Meguro, and Ryota Kozuka.

i like when game soundtracks go for a more contemporary style, to create music that sounds more like something you'd hear on the radio or on album and is good to listen to outside of the context of the game.

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Reply by Tatsu0ni


@Celestial Nekoko

I haven't heard of those composers tho I might of heard some of their tracks.

The mentioned games The World Ends with You, Sonic Rush, Jet Set Radio - some/most tracks are similar to Breakbeat/drum and bass, it's pretty dope with the sampling tho.
I heard a bunch of breakbeat type tracks in the 2010s flash games.
I've only reposted a few breakbeat tracks on soundcloud so you might like it - https://soundcloud.com/djmagitech/dj-magitech-under-pressure

With the Mother series soundtracks, I listen to them too. I could recommend a bunch of stuff related to mother. Mother encore (it's fangame remake of mother 1. game's demo that's out is really good!) has remade soundtracks from mother 1 do give it a listen! - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhtMNOPRVvaALJNwIWPeR3fMunIpoxt63
There's a "My Wonderful Roomm" remix by Nelward (he makes soundtracks time to time, tho now he makes songs more which are really great too! He's like an earthbound inspired music artist XD) https://youtu.be/0H3vFPlz7YI?si=n52FdrmuI9uVAyIz
Mother 4 (Now Oddity, though unclear if it's continued on) soundtracks by Shane Mesa https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTupM4ubNdD5uuiDCHvdFpHlUe_ImCH3v 
The "I miss you - Earthbound 2012" fanmade album by different artists - https://sleepytimejesse.bandcamp.com/album/i-miss-you-earthbound-2012
Here's some other n obscure soundtracks that give off earthbound vibes:
This battle music from Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass - https://youtu.be/6NEDE7OJL7k?si=LxPjD3AyqVJkX_cj the soundtrack is fugly, but unique ngl
The Knuckle sandwich OST, it has some tracks composed by Nelward - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFf9tpywvm66wnrIF2dpkFcgAoNvnHrBb
Other than that I could recommend Undertale/Deltarune and the fanmade Undertale/Deltarune tracks, but that's a whole different rabbit hole.

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