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Notification Bug

Posted by Arius


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

I'm frequently getting this bug where the little bell appears beside
Home, I go to see what it is, it says I have 1 Notification, but there's
nothing there. The bell won't go away unless I click "Delete All
Notifications." Thing is, I have no idea if there IS a notification and
it's not showing it to me, or if there ISN'T a notification and it's
just saying there is for no reason. 

Does anybody else have this problem?

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1 Reply

Reply by Gluma


Huh, I've never had a notif where it just straight up never told me what it was. I've heard that apparently there's a bug where a person's friend request will forever notify you if you block them before you reject their request. I think that bug tells you that the notif is a friend request, though, so unfortunately, I have no clue on what's happening here u_u

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