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Crushing on someone who's taken.

I'm really just here for advice. I've fallen for someone I've known for a short time and they have a lover but I'm not sure what to do. I'm friends with the person I'm crushing on and they don't know how I feel. Their relationship is real sweet with their lover and I feel bad that I like them.

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Reply by Epinephrine


It is understandable that you are feeling confused and worried in this situation. First, it is important to acknowledge your feelings and be honest with yourself about what you are experiencing. Falling in love can be an overwhelming and complex feeling, especially when it arises in complicated circumstances like this one. The fact that you are seeking advice shows that you are consciously reflecting on your emotions and the dynamics involved. It is crucial to remember that you have no control over your feelings, but you do have control over your actions and how you handle those feelings.

It is natural to feel guilty or uncomfortable realizing that you have fallen in love with someone who is in a committed relationship with someone else. Empathy and understanding are important in these situations as you recognize and respect the relationship that exists between the person you like and their partner.

One way to approach this situation is to focus on your own needs and emotional well-being. This may involve setting healthy boundaries in your relationship with this person, maintaining the friendship but keeping your emotions in perspective. It may also be helpful to explore and understand your own feelings further, perhaps through introspection or with the help of a therapist, to find ways to manage them constructively.

Remember that love does not always follow the path we expect or desire, and you may need time to process your emotions and find a way to move forward in a way that is healthy and respectful of all parties involved. 

Cheer up and keep cool!

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