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How to change interest labels ??? Please help me to fix it

I'm trying to use all codes I find on Google, but it only works for me. Other ppl sees my profile and sees the default tags (General, Music, Movies, TV, Books, Heroes, y'know). Idk what problem I have cuz my BFF uses the same code and it works perfectly for her. I even tried deleting all my codes just to see if it would work for me and nah...

When I use the code the first time I told her (my bff) and she said she couldn't see any changes on my interest labels, I thought she was the only one that couldn't see it, so I open my own profile on a page without login to see as another random person and I realize I was the only one who could see my interest labels the way I want (on my own account). Please if u know why this is happening to me tell me!! :c

I'm using this code rn:

<!-- (c) Layout created by flycel ☣ (https://layouts.spacehey.com/layout?id=24655) -->


table, th, td {

  border: 0px solid;


:root {

  --topic1: "Custom Name Here";

  --topic2: "Custom Name Here";

  --topic3: "Custom Name Here";

  --topic4: "Custom Name Here";

  --topic5: "Custom Name Here";

  --topic6: "Custom Name Here";


.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr td:first-child p{color:transparent !important;text-shadow: none !important;letter-spacing: -100px;}

.details-table tr td:first-child p::after{



color:var(--links) !important;

letter-spacing:normal !important;

text-shadow: 2px 2px black !important;

filter: brightness(95%) !important;




.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(1) td:first-child p::after{

  content: var(--topic1);


.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(2) td:first-child p::after{

  content: var(--topic2);


.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(3) td:first-child p::after{

  content: var(--topic3);


.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(4) td:first-child p::after{

  content: var(--topic4);


.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(5) td:first-child p::after{

  content: var(--topic5);


.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(6) td:first-child p::after{

  content: var(--topic6);



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8 Replies

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Reply by Gluma


Unfortunately, I can't really think of a solution here since I'm not the best at coding. However, I'll say that your post made me realize that I was having a similar problem but with code related to hiding certain interests (hides them when logged in but they're still there when logged out :x). My "solution" to that specific problem was me just scavenging through the SpaceHey forums, looking for different codes that did the same thing. Eventually, I did find one, but I know my solution likely isn't that helpful to you u_u

I did look through the forums/blogs (via Google because the search system on this site SUCKS) to find any different coding variations for renaming interests but they're all pretty much the same :/ and a lot of the users who made them have been inactive for a year or so. I still say you should try out any that you find, just in case it somehow magically works for you. I don't know if you and your friend are using SpaceHey on the same device or something like that, but if the code works for her but not for you, maybe just testing different user codes might do something??

I'm linking this specific layout though because although it still has very similar coding to the rest I've seen, Lily (person who made it) was active 2 weeks ago so maybe you could message her or comment on her post with your problem? And hope for the best lol

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Gluma, I'm not sure if u will be notified of this answer, but yeaah, I'm trying to use different codes, I hope that's the solution too, reading that you think the same as me is great cuz now it makes more sense to me! I also search on Google cuz I don't understand the searches on this website :p but it's ok, tysm for your advice!! :3

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Reply by Gluma


Sadly no one gets notified on forum replies except for the OP themselves u_u gotta manually check them hoping for a forum reply button soon.....

And no prob! Hopefully someone with actual coding knowledge can give some advice and/or you find a code that works ^^

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Owwwe okok thanks for checking for answers again and for your advice!! ><

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Reply by vcka


try this one


table, th, td {

  border: 0px solid;


:root {

  --topic1: "name";
  --topic2: "name";
  --topic3: "name";
  --topic4: "name";
  --topic5: "name";
  --topic6: "name";


.details-table tr td:first-child p{color:transparent
!important;text-shadow: none !important;letter-spacing: -100px;}

.details-table tr td:first-child p::after{
color:var(--links) !important;
letter-spacing:normal !important;
text-shadow: 2px 2px black !important;
filter: brightness(95%) !important;
.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(1) td:first-child p::after{
  content: var(--topic1);
.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(2) td:first-child p::after{
  content: var(--topic2);
.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(3) td:first-child p::after{
  content: var(--topic3);
.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(4) td:first-child p::after{
  content: var(--topic4);
.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(5) td:first-child p::after{
  content: var(--topic5);
.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(6) td:first-child p::after{
  content: var(--topic6);


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vcka, thanks but if open my page on spacehey in the mobile app and other page without my account, the default tags still apear (i mean i only can see changes on my own account on the internet website) :( but tysm!!

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Reply by zombiesgutz


i have the same problem. Did you ever find a solution?

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