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Looking for fans of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul photography

Posted by Gioa


Forum: Art and Photography

Have you guys ever looked at the great shots these series have? I love (more so in Better Call Saul) those shots so far away from the desert for example, or in Chicanery the shot of Chuck and the exit sign, which is then seen again at the end, I just wanted to know if there are more people who like them :D

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Reply by Tabaki


Oh absolutely. In fact I think the photography and direction reached a new peak with Better Call Saul specifically. It's a masterpiece! I don't know why aren't more people talking about it.

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Reply by Gioa


Exact!! Also, as the series progresses they get better and better, not to mention the symbolism.¿

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Reply by Tabaki


It's the art of cinema done properly.
There's always been more commercial titles since the beginning, but there used to be a lot more of this in movies.
I feel like we're missing more of this because so much of our media now is "hello this is the show and we're sooooo self aware haha" and more serious series and movies are not something people usually have patience for.

Better Call Saul for example, in my opinion is a much deeper and more mature show, but people get tired of it because Breaking Bad's more fun and active plot is more engaging, and in a way it's less subtle about a lot of its themes (i.e. (spoiler) Gus' death scene was a little on the nose). Not to say they're not great in spite of not being so subtle, but they are "easier" to consume to the general public.

It's almost impossible to talk about this without seeming pretentious, but it's the truth. People aren't that interested in anything nowadays that requires a little more patience. Which was already true 10 years ago, but it's not getting better.
Even stuff like the new Avatar series was shot so it could be easily sharable on Tik Tok (they shot all the action points vertically).

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Reply by Gioa


Of course, I think it differed from Breaking Bad because since Breaking Bad was on open television, things or moments of tension always had to be happening, I also think that's why they use the hand-held camera so much, and the avatar series, seriously. ?? They are already losing the love of doing things well, the worst thing is that they can't even make profits, the largest companies are declining very quickly.

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Reply by Tatsu0ni


Yeah there's bunch of genius shots in Better call Saul

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