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How do you find ideas for art?

Hi there art forum! how's going? hope everyone is having a great day!

I aways found interesting the path of everyone's creativity and how we get ideas every day, so my question for everyone is: How do you find your ideas?

I can't wait to see your replies :D

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4 Replies

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Reply by Tabaki


Mostly I'm always having ideas in my head, but what really makes me want to draw is when I'm at work and I start daydreaming about drawing. Sometimes I "draw" the full thing in my head, down to how I'll do certain brushstrokes before I'm finally free at 6pm to be left to my own devices!

And of course looking at more art just inspires me to no end. Nothing better to make you want to try harder than looking at something deeply inspiring and thinking "that's amazing, how did they do that?" and trying to push yourself to something on that level!

Just loose sketching helps a lot as well!

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Reply by Nepeta_Cataria


I usually get very inspired by music, not just the lyrics (they also play an important role tho) but how the music itself makes me feel, maybe it reminds me of a character or maybe it makes me think of a situation. Then I proceed to listen that song in a bucle to sustain the inspiration.

Sometimes I just read o see something that reminds me of a character and the idea pops in my head.

In both cases I start to skecth the idea and if I like it then I proceed to polish it more, until I get the full color + rendered drawing!

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Reply by ᗪᗩKOTᗩ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗


1-asking for random words

2- looking at other peoples art and recreating it in my style. I Can typically zone into the drawing and get ideas inspired by the original art piece that I can make into something.

(Example- drawing someone’s oc art in my style-liking the style of the clothes the character wears-drawing a new character with they sort of style)

3-taking mg pencil on a walk with my headphones BLASTJNG music

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Reply by oliverhatesolives


usually go through pinterest until something sticks

another way is thinking about my ocs stories and drawing a specific scene

and lastly my dreams or overthinking at 3 am

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