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Kafka on The Shore by Haruki Murakami


I am disgusted and repulsed by this man's writing. I have read After Dark, and horribly, Norwegian Wood; but this book is the manifestation of a prison inmate. Murakami try's very well to convey his message, which MAY have been something to do with the permanent consequences of our actions along our time alive, as if it were some type of fever dream. It must be understood that in this book internal and external issues take physical form through characters and their emotions, in relation to their actions and whatever blah blah. Basically, Murakami can create an environment where every emotion you felt but cannot explain, is dragged out and exposed. All the subconscious social interactions, expectations, and morals are completely ignored. Reading this book is very uncomfortable. It features rape, incest, murder, cats getting murdered, pedophilia, and REALLY REALLY disgusting and vile insight into all of the characters thoughts. The MC is 15, but the author decides its fun to write him as "mature" and "smart for his age" (as quoted by three of the adult characters in the book) which is direct behavior of pedophiles on both ends. I didn't need to know that much ab the boys' genitals. It was so good until 40% of the book hit and suddenly it was all rapey. i can appreciate the writing sadly, i do not regret reading the book as it was so well written, the chapters flowed smoothly into each other and kept me addicted to reading them. It was so vile and absurd, I couldn't bring myself to put it down. So I think NEVER AGAIN will i read Murakami's works. 

This book was a worse but better rendition of Norwegian wood. A sick book (sick as in disgusting). The thing about Murakami's writing is that he can pinpoint these odd thoughts and experiences, EXCEPT, THEY DO NOT NEED TO BE DONE THROUGH INCEST, SEX, TERRIBLY WRITTEN WOMEN, AND SOME FORM OF PEDOPHILIA. UGH

4/10 ✭✭✭✭

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Reply by axiom


Ouuuu i've been meaning to read Kafka on the Shore ever since i fell in love with his writing in Norwegian Wood but maybe i'll rethink it

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