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Post the icks ppl give you

Posted by Elizabeth


Forum: General

The Ick: Why You're Suddenly Repulsed In Relationship

ick is a term used to express aversion or disgust towards someone, like a pet peeve. 

ex: chewing with ur mouth open (cannot handle this, the sound drives me batshit) 

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Reply by Elizabeth


saying i love you when youve only known them for a few months. ew ew ew. 

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Reply by Celina Pelina


When they don’t clean underneath their nails 

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Reply by Kathrine


When a guy says “I was GOING to do this for you “ 

Ok so do it … 

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Reply by Elizabeth


this is going to turn into a forum for eamon to let out his road rage lol, love it. 

but omg when they cancel plans..drives me fucking insane. 

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Reply by Rainie.Dae


Not having goals. As someone who's very ambitious and likes being active in my community and environment, I don't want to be with someone who has no goals. Or doesn't at least think about the future. That's hard to come by with guys and girls my age. And if they don't have plans or goals, be honest about it and don't try to just go with the flow about things like having kids, career, or getting married. Just generally being immature is an ick I guess.

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Reply by zirconieee


My biggest ick is when people have icks about minor habits of other people that do not matter. People do weird shit all the time, why? because they're humans, our whole deal is being weird.

Stop being so judgemental and critical.

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Reply by Elizabeth


someone’s upset. i promise you as someone studying social work seeing the devastations that take place everyday their are places that would need this outrage and support a little more than a silly lil forum.  

its not meant to hurt anyone, we aren’t using names. simply expressing your feelings about something that bothers us is healthy and makes us human. 

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Reply by zirconieee


I wouldnt call what i wrote outrage but whatever. I was more talking about how some people will use the term 'ick' to validate picking on things about people that they cannot really control. Like speech patterns, mannerisms, background ect ect. My point wasnt really clear, apologies.

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Reply by Black Market Stray Cat


i agree with zirconieee, people who're super judgmental really rub me the wrong way...

...that said, people with super aggressive DNI lists.

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