I find that I like to date younger men because they full of life and they role model is somebody other than Future.
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Dating younger men vs. older men
37 Replies

Reply by Shauna J
I never dated anyone older than me which is sad but i think it would definitely be 2 different experiences , idk which i would lean more towards cause i never dated anyone older but stay tuned lmfao
Reply by LowkeyJL
When I think ab it, I haven’t dated anybody at least 10 years older so I guess I can’t really compare the two too much. Just maybe a few years older.
Reply by Hisui
I always dated men around my age until I met my now fiance. He's 10 years older than me, but has loads of energy and looks super young! He's much more sure of himself and what he wants out of life compared to the men I was dating in my early 20s. Seems to always have his shit together, is calm and collected, and supports me the way no one else did.
Reply by SilvaBabyyy
both honestly suck lol. It's rare to find someone decent in any age group at this point.
Reply by Helios (he)
It's 2022, and y'all still dating men? The Kevin Samuels' (and many other online dating advice gurus/ male podcasts, mostly on tiktok) of the world haven't told you that man ain't shit, yet?
Reply by Fred
Reply by idoblenderstuffs
easy. older men. more experienced, knows more than me. i could actually rely on them for stuff.
Reply by adrianna ☆
Reply by wylu90
i have never dated anyone younger than me, in fact i have only dated one person in my entire life and he was a year older than me
Anyway, I really like older men but I think I wouldn't have a problem with dating someone younger, they're cute 💗
Reply by Tayla Blake
I’m actually dating someone that is close to 25 years older than me
Got experience, can rely on him for anything and I love him
Reply by Jichubom
Older all the way, maybe its just that boys my age are immature and all incels that older men seem so mature, collected and stable
Reply by deftonexic
well... it really doesn't matter i guess. i just find older men attractive but i won't say no to any boys at my age or younger i mean, 16+
sometimes it's really all about personality and looks
Reply by Ashley Henderson
Reply by ✯Maiii✯
La menores son muy inmaduros y los mayores muy hormonales JAJSJA (o bueno así me pasa a mi)
Reply by vi
i always make jokes with my friends about marrying a forty year old but idk, i had a relkationship with a guy who was a year and a half older than me and it was rlly traumatizing. i tried to convince myself That our age gap wasn't noticeable when I was a teenager bnut he had went through so much... and I had to deal with his traumas etc etc.
Then I fell in love with a guy who is just a few months younger than me and it hurt even more than the """"older"""" guy I dated. XDD
I guess my "fictional" (per se) preference is older men, however at this point I don't know. It has a bit to do with my daddy issues that I have to resolve T-t
sorry 2 dump i'm going through a hard time figuring my romantic/emotional experiences etc etc abd talking about it irl is hard
Reply by souljawitchs
idk.. mostly every relationship or guy that ive talked to who was older than me always ended really bad i feel like its cause they consider themselves more mature than me and think theyre too cool to be in a relatiobship but ive never actually dated anyone younger than me
Reply by Skyy
girl as someone whose dated young and old they both full of absolute bs but if i HADD to choose older all the way for settling but them younger ones more fun and freaky ish. overall depends on you and what you want.
Reply by niki
i like older boys cuz theyre so mature and patient with me. i dated a boy just a few months younger than me and it was absolutely terrible and maybe the most toxic relationship ive had.
Reply by lulu ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
currently dating a man about 4 year older than me, i feel like its a way better experience than the times ive dated men one year older, or even a month younger than me. more secure, he knows what he wants, and instability isnt a thing in our relationship.
Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx
I prefer older men (and women), though of course, I'll have to wait until I'm 18 to pursue such a relationship (which luckily for me, is in just a few more weeks from now).
Fellow old souls trapped in a younger body (like myself) are my only exception to this. Looks and maturity are both very important to me.
Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx
Alright, it's been a few weeks since I posted my last reply here. I'm now 18 and can finally try and go for someone born prior to the turn of the millennium (unless they're fellow and also legal old souls like me as the only exception to this rule). :D
Reply by 0oThe Witcho0
Psych graduate weighing in,
So a lot of books will tell you that the older male younger female dynamic is ideal. One such book is "The Real Rules," By Jimmy Ricard.
In it, he mentions something I refer to as the butterfly theory.
That is:
If we consider Women as flowers and men butterflies we can also get the idea that a young man is a caterpillar. Reading further he goes on to say that dynamic a younger man exists only to consume and use the flower where a butterfly exists to pollinate and assist in its growth. That is to say that having someone who is more of a mentor figure is healthier than perhaps someone of like age who will get into like trouble or accidentally cause irreversible emotional damage. Of course this is in regards to dating and while I personally date to wed, I know that the general american culture is more lenient towards the idea of dating around.
In the case of dating around one can easily see why someone who is younger is the better pick. Im often the older in my relationships but I feel like it gives a certain sense of *Parontage* of my partner; if that means anything.
Reply by Esmus
Life led me to both ends, was not cool. The oldest I dated was 10 years older than me, and I have gotten romantically involved with a man 20 years older than me, I also dated people my age or slightly older, nothing really worked...ever.
Reply by lexi
Reply by Arlo
Reply by puntung.rokok
Dated a guy older than me once, and based on my experience, age doesn't really play a part. The guy I was with was barely assertive or even mature.. You can be older and gone through stuff, but if that doesn't make you make wise decisions, then it's a big L.
Reply by Angel Kaulitz
Reply by lulu
Reply by asphaltic Reritia
as another old soul trapped in a younger body (like someone above said), I'd date older men all the way. I have a younger brother (he's about to turn 15) and I don't wanna feel like I'm dating his classmates
my general rule is that everyone needs to be over 18 to date me
Reply by alicia
i personally always tend to date people older than me, not much but like 2 to 3 years older. i don´t know if its the daddy issues but i just need someone with more experience than me, someone who knows how things work? if that makes sense. im in my teens so most people in my age are really immature and to be honest sometimes straight up dumb. they have no general knowledge or rational thinking. thats why prefer to date people who have been through a bit of life and know whats going on.
Reply by Gazette
Reply by !
honesty it all pends, I have dated one younger guy (a year ish difference) which I haven't done before but he was sweet and gentle compare to others that I seen who are younger or my age. Normally it's a no as I prefer someone who more mature and patience with me but he made me felt like I was the only girl. Though in the end I felt like he wasn't right for me as he had that idea of me. Then with older guys you need to still be careful but I do think I prefer older people, right now I been dating people are between 1-3 but for a few months I been talking to this guy who is 5 years older. Long as you like them and they are right for you its okay just be cautious. Also you will know when your body is funny or that gut feeling that is the first sign that they are not right for you, leave that relationship.
Reply by tr4shy
depends to me, as ive met older men wit childish attitudes and youngers with a grown mindset. my current bf is a year younger than me and honestly hes both a kid and a firm shoulder to lean on.
Reply by Milch.br
I like older people more, which is probably odd to say since I‘m a minor, but I could never be with someone who‘s younger than me. It‘s just the mentally and maturity older people display, and since no one my age or younger thinks the way I do, it‘s so much easier to connect with older people. Like I said, maturity is the key to my heart!!
Reply by 𝕻𝖗𝖚𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊
I don't know because I've had TERRIBLE experiences with both. Younger men tend to be so wildly immature it's almost appalling, and tend to have some sort of weird tendency to either be a player or treat me like I'm their damn mom. While with older men they're either just creeps or manipulators. Or maybe I just attract really awful men. But that's how I see it at least.
Reply by Mikael
I have dated both younger and older men and I have honestly not noticed any patterns, I just think people tend to generalise groups of people too much.
A bunch of the older guys I’ve dated have been very similar to the younger guys I’ve dated (personality-wise) and a bunch of the younger guys I’ve dated have been very similar to the older guys I’ve dated (personality-wise). They are all just different individuals who have been shaped by the culture they’ve lived in and been raised in.
Like sure, a lot of people try to fit into the norms that society has put on them based on their age, gender, etc. but they are still different individuals who have different personalities and preferences.
Reply by ★ Hyenliaaa ★
I have always dated younger guys because of my age. I never really thought about dating older men. But if I had a choice, I would. I feel like older men would be more mature because boys my age are super immature, which is something I don't really like. But younger men are sometimes really sweet, sometimes though.