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getting to know you guys XD


i sometimes post blogs but I don't really know who reads them :(                                               so if you see this and you read my blogs, or maybe you are my friend, reply to this and tell me a bit about you, just something simple!

"but I don't know what to say" Heres some ideas! 

you could say your...

-favorite song

-if you could have one super power what would it be 

-favorite band/singer

-hobbies (sports, instruments, activities etc.)

-best gift you've ever gotten 

-pet peeves  

-favorite youtuber

-small facts about you (birthday, nationality, languages, stuff like that just don't be creepy and say your personal information like ur address)

so leave a reply and we can all get to know each other better!

as always, xoxo

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1 Reply

Reply by Cupid's Lover


This looks fun so... I'll leave my little mark!

-I don't have a favorite song, I have so many enjoyable songs that it is impossible to choose.

-If I had a power it would be to be able to pull things out of nothing, like in cartoons.

-My favorite singer is Melanie Martinez.

-My hobby is drawing and listening to music!

-Clothes, money and a coloring book.

-I'm not sure what (•ˋ _ ˊ•) means-


-My birthday is November 3rd! I'm a Scorpio, I'm from a small island in the Caribbean called the Dominican Republic and I speak Spanish and English.

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