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Thinking about layout requests

Posted by SQ✩


Forum: SpaceHey

I've being really enjoying getting back into html/layouts and stuff so I've started thinking about taking requests...

back when I was on quotev (it's still a thing, I just don't use the website) a pretty big part of what the forums were used for was requesting graphics and layouts from eachother. basically you'd post with what you're willing to do, some rules to follow, and maybe you give a form for people to fill out so you can get the information you need.

I'll let people know when/if I start accepting requests (probably next week cuz I have some work to finish) and please let me know if you're interested BUT this thread is more just to say why isn't this a thing on spacehey already????? or is it???? why aren't there layout and graphic "stores" in the forums?? is this an idea you think would be cool???

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Reply by SQ✩


it's "stores" in quotes because the "payment" would be just credit or a shoutout on your page. i don't think spacehey is or should be a place for monetary exchange, this is more of a community thing. there's so many creative people on here i'm surprised i haven't seen anything like this already....

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Reply by x_angelkawaii_x


hi! i saw a couple weeks ago you were thinking abt taking layout requests? i wish it was a thing too, like im looking for it as a search term rn and i only found your post. i have a friend who wants to join and id like to make a request for him bc he hates coding, so do you know anyone who can help, or would you consider giving it a shot? i wont feel rejected or anything if not, i know its not easy at all, but idk where else to try (i guess quotev but i heard it clogs your emails like mad lol) but thank you for reading this, and i hope you have a nice day :] btw nice profile!!! it rocks!!!

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Reply by SQ✩


I hope this becomes a thing...i will do my part!! I might be able to make a layout for your friend if you give me some more info, i just messaged you to discuss it! thanks for the compliment on my profile as well :)

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