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What's a fanfic pet peeve of yours? either when writing or reading

I see this is often in new fandoms, when the media gets revived interest or in older works in the fandom. It's when pairings or a particular character get's infantilized or feminized.

Now I don't have an issue with feminine characters or people with feminine traits(whether they're a man, woman, both, neither, or other) it's just when that translates to fandom they get written without autonomy over their lives and are mostly present in exaggerated stutters, cute clothes, and to be in a relationship. The character doesn't even need to be feminine, just being short or somewhat nice damns them to be the O in A/B/O for eternity.

I've had the unfortunate experience of actually reading this in a lot of mlm ships when I was in middle school (2018 was fucking brutal ifykyk) it was like a crash I couldn't look away from. Occasionally there's still works that rot my brain cells away by the minute but I don't think of it so seriously. 

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Reply by Gluma


I hate the feminization thing with a deep passion; I see it as the straight-ification of mlm ships. It's definitely been a thing in the 2010s, I'm sure it has been a thing long past that, and it will definitely continue being a thing (though, and maybe this is just me curating my fanfic experience much better, it seems to be less prevalent nowadays).

A fanfic-exclusive pet peeve for me is when an author tags a ship normally (AKA uses the main ship tag of Person A/Person B) but the ship is only in the background. Heck, this also applies to just tagging characters in general. I've seen "(mentioned/implied)" be added to these tags, which is so much better, but that's not really common knowledge (at least, not in my fandoms). This just specifically irks me right now because I've gotten into a ship where its most popular fanfics are literally either one-shots or its in the background :,)

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