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How do you put in a 2 weeks notice??

Like, do you write down on a piece of notebook paper and give it to the manager? Print it out? What do you even put on it? "Hi I quit"? Please help!

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Reply by Jinnicide


If you live in the USA, this NOT A LAW, you don't actually have to do this AT ALL (it is only as a courtesy if you were well-treated and there was mutual respect so they can find a replacement before you leave). But people generally put it 'in writing' in some way in case of legal issues down the road (ie: send an email, yes, physically hand them a printed letter).

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Reply by Jasen


Just stop showing up. Don't bother answering their calls anymore.

There's no need to put in any notice unless you plan on working there again then maybe just tell them you're quitting before you leave.

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