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How much do you roughly make (college/part time jobs/under 18)

I'm 17 and work at a bakery. I get 3.50 hours every other week, 13.50 per hour. This amounts to under 50 dollars biweekly. Iv'e tried asking for more hours, but they don't have much for me to do because I'm a minor. I'm wondering how much other minors with part time jobs make a week/biweekly. I'd ask my friends but they don't like to talk abt it. I'm just tired and need the extra push to get out of this situation. Lmk!

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5 Replies

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Reply by Cece


I'm 16 I work at Kwik Trip and make 17.50$ an hour, I usually have 8 hr shifts 2 times a week but those are the only days open on my  work schedule currently, I will likely work more shifts over the summer

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Reply by Hope Jones


I work part time as a bookseller. $14 per hour, about 20-25 hours a week unless I pick up a shift. I get paid weekly and my paychecks are usually around $230.

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Reply by Rabbit1


I'm 19, and I'm taking 9 credits of college classes (full time is 12 credits) and I work 30 hours a week. Most of my paychecks (after tax, and every two weeks) usually range from $1,100 - 1,300. I make $20 an hour and make $30 an hour on Sundays!

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Reply by Gluma


I'm 17 as well and I've been working at a local animal shelter for a year, though my pay has always been my state's minimum wage (I'm in the US). Last year, it was ~$13 per hour and I work 9am to 11am (2 hrs) every weekend so I earned ~$100 biweekly. This year, my state raised the minimum wage to $15 so now I'm earning $120.

My job lets me "work" an extra few hours (which is pretty much necessary when we get an overload of animals) but...I only get paid sometimes for it .-. I don't typically complain about it because I suck at confrontations because I'm fine with my standard pay anyway but if I had to offer any advice, maybe don't be as compliant lol

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Reply by vcka


is the currency dollars

in uk 1350 is a very good wage for a minor
they underpay minors sooooooooo bad so if you have something good deffo keep it
a lot of jobs take on minors so quickly cos they know they can rinse them of their hard work and pay them pennies
i recommend holistic and community driven jobs if you're looking for more pay and more hours cos they're kinder to youngins

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