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Losing your virginity

Soo Im 18 and I have never done the deed. There were times when I had the chance to lose my virginity when and was 16 and 17, but that was all about doing it and nothing more. 

Like I feel like Im the only one who wants to do it with a partner and for it to be romantic and not just a hook up. Idk I just feel very left out bc most of my friends already lost their virginity.I know I shouldnt rush it and do it when Im ready, but I also really want to do it (But I would feel much more comftorble having my first time with a partner bc I fear I would regret a hook up). I just feel like im missing out and it really bothers me. 

Any tips on how to get out of my comfort zone and be more open about sex?

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7 Replies

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Reply by Jinnicide


Sounds like you need a partner based on what you posted. Get one and go from there :)

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Reply by Zombie_Cow


Well thats more easy to say than do hahah

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Reply by vcka


i recommend stepping back and letting thigns happen as they happen

my first time wasn't anything to look back on anymore lol
it wasn't very fun for me either
i really don't think i was ready even tho i was a similar age
don't wait for THE ONE but wait for A ONE that makes you feel so comfortable
someone who cares for you and wants to take care of you

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Reply by shorti ๑˃́ε˂̀๑


i´m someone who recklessly lost my virginity and really regretted it. i was sixteen and super in love with a really not great guy (that ended up abusing me lmao) who was clearly only using me for his sexual desires...but i was obsessed and also never ever been pursued by another man before so it was thrilling. the whole "relationship" ended up being very very messy and the sex was just one of the many bad parts. after that i kind of went spiraling and engaging in some other sexual encounters after that only to feel wanted. it messed me up big time, because i´m not really the person for one night stands or friends with benefits or antyhing of that nature to begin with. 

i really regret it and doing it with people i dont even feel safe with wasn´t the right choice. BUT this doesn´t have to be true for everyone, it´s just my experience. 

i ended up getting in a long term relationship and i waited quite some time (about a little over a year or so) to have my first time with my boyfriend. there was some petting before but never the real deal. it was an amazingly intimate experience to me and it truly felt right for me. love brings sex to a whole other level in my opinion. it didn´t go perfectly or movie-like at all and there was quite some struggling for sure but it wasn´t bad regardless because i trust and love him so much. 

in conclusion, my advice is to take your time and don´t feel pressured to lose your virginity. i understand, there´s probably some kind of curiousity maybe but don´t stress yourself. i lost mine at sixteen, but i´d much rather have lost it when i truely felt ready and truely wanted to (and not feel obligated to) i would also recommend to share this experience with someone you *trust* and feel comfortable with!

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Reply by Zombie_Cow


Thank you so much for replying to this. I feel I am not alone and that more people feel this way about sex. 

And sure I might post more of this theme :D

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Reply by mary !


Reply by salem


I feel really similar although I'm like ace. I do sexual things but going all the way is  1, scarry and 2 I just like the romance  part of it and not one night stands, I feel like if you really want to get more open you should try someone you trust or get into a relashenship (if you're not) and wait. its not smth to be ashamed of really, some people just wanna wait for the right person or just don't care who its with (no shade lol) just do what works for you

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