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Anyone willing to take on a layout request?

ShadowAmour from VampireFreaks here

Okay so I have been wracking my brain for at least a week trying to code a layout based around some headers I have on my computer saved from my old VampireFreaks layouts, but I surrender in defeat. lol I am not a layout code-savvy person :(

I pretty much want all my layouts styled the same, header image, and then the about me info, my interests/favorite music/movies/TV shows/books/heroes, and social media links. Preferably a section for each of those things. You can credit yourself for the coding, and if you were a designer on VF and any of these headers were made by you, let me know, and I'll ask whoever takes this on to credit you :3

That way if I want to change the header image, I can just change the image URL and colors to something that corresponds with the header design. Comment here if you're willing to do this <3

All the images are resized to serve as a profile header

Here are the headers

And this header I made:

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