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**READ** please check out & support my music :)

hey everyone, my name is morphine. i'm an independent artist who solely does everything on his own. i'm locking in this year and i need some support to get some of this music heard.

follow my Instagram to keep up w/ everything 

& subscribe to my YouTube for the music vids!!

here's My new song "HOW I LUV U" on Sound Cloud and here's the Apple Music link and the Spotify link for the peeps that use the main streaming platforms.

feel free to check out and give me a follow and some support on the Bandcamp !!

(here's the entire Link Tree that contains all of these links for the curious people) 

thank u a lot to those who go through the trouble, but i promise you will like my music.

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2 Replies

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Reply by mistOmeter


pretty good music, but why're you advertising this on a furry forum? are you an undercover fur or a normie just advertising anywhere he can go?

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Reply by Forsarek Slayer of Glerbo


i was advertising evrywhere loll, but thnk u very much i rlly appreciate u fuckin w/ the music and i encourage u to check more out! (srry for the shameless plug) but lmk what else u think and if u rlly fw it show ur friends <3

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