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what's your favorite pokémon gen/game? lmk why!!

Posted by 𝓝𝓸𝓿𝓪


Forum: Games

what do y'all like about your favorite games/regions?

i'll go first! i love all the gen 5 games, so unova! i think the story and characters were developed really well and i loved how unova is based on new york since that's where i'm from!! also N is so cool and awesome :3

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Reply by aries


also gen 5 / unova. i loved N a lot as a character, and i liked a lot of the pokemon from that gen!

it's so weird, because gen 5 is a popular pick nowadays, i feel. but when it first came out, it felt like such an underdog. so many of the pokemon were the top punching bags for jokes (e.g. ice cream pokemon). glad to see the general opinion of those games have changed!

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Reply by 𝓝𝓸𝓿𝓪


i'm in the same boat! i've loved the gen 5 games ever since they first came out so not only are they genuinely well developed imo, they also have that nostalgia factor for me and i used to spend a lot of time feeling sad about the fact that most people bashed them. i'm not sure what exactly happened that made the internet as a whole decide to all of a sudden start loving gen 5, but i'm not complaining :3

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Reply by shorti ๑˃́ε˂̀๑


gen 4. i loooooove it. i might be biased bc it was one of my first pokemon games but i just..i love it.

i love the look of the gameplay. i really like the DS era of pokemon the best. 

i love the sinnoh region and colder weather.

i love the trainers designs, especially dawn she is my all time fav. (and esppeeecially her platinum outfit bc i just love the coat and scarf it´s just so cute. again, i like cold weather aesthetically)

legendaries are neat. they are not my favorite i have to admit but i still like them a lot and i LOVE giratina so so much. 

cynthia is a great champion and i had a girl crush on her as a kid. she kicked my ass so many times too ( i didn´t know how to make good pokemon teams back then too...)

the starters are nice!! i love piplup. he´s my second fav starter after snivy.

story wasn´t bad.

the diamond and pearl anime is ELITE it got me way more into pokemon than i was before.

i gotta admit i felt like the game was a tad bit slow but i don´t mind it, pokemon games are fast to playthrough anyways.

overall sinnoh just has a special place in my heart. I also really love gen 3 and gen 5 a lot. 

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Reply by 𝓝𝓸𝓿𝓪


definitely feel you on the nostalgia factor playing a part! even though gen 4 was definitely during my time, i don't think i was really into pokémon until my cousin got a gen 5 game and i got jealous LOL... gen 4 is actually i think my second favorite gen, and third is gen 3! i love all the multiplayer aspects about the gen 4 games especially the underground system, genuinely one of the greatest things pokémon has ever done in their games imo. very solid choice! and i agree about the anime, it was amazing too :3 i loved dawn's buneary!

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Reply by shiz


i gotta admit i really loved let's go pikachu! i've been thinking about replaying it. i don't really have a favorite gen though, i love pokemon from all different generations. but if i had to pick one, i would say gen1. i know it's a joke to like gen1 the best but pokemon in north america came out when i was in preschool/kindergarten so it's very nostalgic for me ;;

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Reply by 𝓝𝓸𝓿𝓪


that's totally fair! gen 1 holds a special place in a lot of people's hearts, so even if it may be popular, i feel like it's for good reason! gen 1 was such a massive part of so many people's childhoods and i'm so glad to hear that was the case for you <3

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Reply by Lav


Hah, favorite gen and favorite game are vastly different for me. Gens 5 and 1 are pretty common choices, but 5 was my first gen, and 1 was the one I liked messing with on emulators. Gen 3 titles were also pretty fun for that same reason.

When it comes to my favorite game in the series, recently it's been Legends Arceus. Definitely very flawed game but I appreciate the uniqueness of the concept it was going for. 

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Reply by Lamb


Can't lie, 4th gen will always hold a special place in my heart. Maybe its just the nostalgia talking but i remember pokemon diamond having so much love and soul put into it 🥹  treated those pokemon like my babies when i was a teen!!!
I kind of miss the two-screened pokemon games a lot actually. I just got pokemon violet recently though so im gonna give the newer games a chance and see whats changed!!

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Reply by swaghaver


mine has to be gen 5. bw and b2w2 slapped, the sequel i liked more. but my favorite might be pokemon ranger. i've never played other games in the ranger series so i only have the first one to go off of but i loved it so much as a kid. pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky is a close second. i really wish they made more spinoffs that don't just feel like normal pokemon again :(( 

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