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I'm rotting

Posted by whywouldyou


Forum: Life

I'm a female and also almost 17. To be honest, most people my age are enjoying life quite well while I'm in my house rotting. I have nothing to complain about since my parents literally give me what I need and want but they're a bit too controlling. The farthest I've gotten without their supervision is at school which is a 3 minute ride from our home. I've tried to convince them to let me go to the nearest mall with my friends because I'm turning 17, however, they just won't let me. I've done nothing to make me untrustworthy because every rule that they've established, I do follow. I just want to be free for a while. I wanna hang out with my friends without my mom following us from behind. I wanna meet new people. I wanna go on dates. I don't want to rot in our house. I've been following this cycle everyday without a single change. Wake up, eat, shower, go to school, go home, do school works, eat, shower, go to sleep. 

How do I further convince them that I'm trustworthy and how do I avoid rotting in this house without doing anything? (they don't let me do sports or even ride a bike, they decide what I do inside and outside of our home)

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4 Replies

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Reply by Jinnicide


Do you live on an LDS compound or something?

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Reply by whywouldyou


Idk what an LDS compound is so maybe no, I don't think that I live in one

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Reply by vcka


they're a bit abusive
i recommend calling a helpline for your area and getting some advice from professionals
or even just the space to talk to someone professional can help
ik it sounds dramatic but it would be very freeing to speak about it to someone and they may be able to give you direction on how to handle it

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Reply by whywouldyou


Nope, I haven't asked them why they don't find me trustworthy but thank you for the suggestions! Now I have things to shift my focus to! (also I love the idea of journaling ^^)

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