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Reply by aether (inactive acc/ i quit)


Name: vincen, auggie angelica or ronnie

Pronouns: he she it + neos (onky use she if ik u)

Age(or age range): 14

Theriotype(s): calico cat, fox idk

How did you discover it: Its complicated i dont feel like explaining

Tell us about yourself: idk

BYI: bipolar + adhd, i cant predict if im in a shitty mood.

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Reply by đŸ«€ V4MP1E đŸ’€ [🍉]


Name: Charlie :3

Pronouns: She/they/boo/rat and a few more

Age(or age range): Minor

Theriotype(s): Arctic wolf + California leaf-nosed bat

How did you discover it: I kinda always knew somehow? Ever since childhood I had a weird connection towards bats and I always felt like something about my arms felt super weird like there was some kind of invisible wall between them. I came across the therian community in Tumblr and that's when it clicked. Abt arctic wolf I have no idea it kind of placed itself in my identity and I accepted it :}

Tell us about yourself: UHH I'm Charlie, host of a newly discovered system and I'm a transfem (amab). I rlly rlly enjoy the bling aesthetic and vibrant hot pink :3 

BYI: I might be a little out of pocket so pls lmk when i cross the line 

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Reply by thatk1lljoy :3 (chaot1csystemz_)


(Host) Name: Finn + Logan

Pronouns: he/xir/loser/it/bite

Age (or age range): 15, turning 16 on July 1st

Kin-type(s): Vampire/Black Cat/Calico Cat

How did you discover it: I've always felt a connection to cats in general, as well as vampires! 

Tell us about yourself: I'm autistic (self-dx/un-dx), I have anxiety, and I'm an OSDD-1b system. I'm also a demi-aro/allo transboy. I have a severe special interest in Littlest Pet Shops (LPS) :3

BYI: I am a system, so sign-offs and/or pronouns may change! If you're curious who's fronting, just ask, but DO NOT try and pry/force us to tell you, because that is VERY disrespectful, and an easy way to lose our trust.

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Reply by I love you >__<


Name: mason

Pronouns: he/they/pup/fang 

Age(or age range): 13-16

Theriotype(s): dog (German shepherd) and alien cat thing 

How did you discover it: uhhh I Litterly cannot remember for dog it's been moths and my memory sucks bum, and for alien cat one of my Tumblr moots most emojis of 'em and I was like :0 me core and uh yeah

Tell us about yourself: I'm just a silly lil guy pretending my problems don't exist 

also  I promise I'm not a 5 year old even if I act like it too many people think I'm a toddler online

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Reply by mx. medical malpractice


Name: call us leviathan (collectively) or whoever's name is in our status

Pronouns: any :]

Age(or age range): 17

Theriotype(s): fallen angel, cat, ghost, vampire (we have multiple otherkin alters)

How did you discover it: i forgor-- we've known for quite a while kgjdjf

Tell us about yourself: hi hello im a weird transsexual queer & i rlly like 70s-2000s rock, coffee, cats, & the stars <3

BYI: im autistic + have stpd & may not be good w/ wording augh, we're a DID system & might sign off sometimes

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Reply by Fynn


Name: fynn

Pronouns: he/him/it/its

 Age range: 14-16

Theriotypes: grey tabby cat, boarder collie, sea otter! (I also have a dragon kintype)

How did I find out: I found out about therianthropy at the end of 2022 when I was looking into identities online, I discovered the term therian so I decided to look into it more I realised that this was how I felt and that I had similar experiences to other people! And over 2023 I started finding out all my kintypes with the help of older alterhumans :)

Tell us about yourself: I really like alt fashion, cosplay, art and alt music!

BYI: I have ADHD, dyslexia and anxiety

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Reply by Amina :33


name: Fox/Foxy

Pronouns: She/they/it

Age(or age range): 13

Theriotype(s): Saluki, 

Rusty spotted cat, 

Manned fox, 

Vancouver coastal wolf, 

Sea otter

How did you discover it: I realised I was a therian in like late 2020. I used to have vivid memories of being my theryotypes and I was so confused but then a friend of mine suggested I might be a Therian, viola

Tell us about yourself: I have ADHD. I'm lookin for friends! I live in the UK. I do alot of quads and my parents don't know (yet). I have discord!

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Reply by leo


Hi - I don't know if this is really still active but I thought I'd introduce myself bc I want to make alterhuman friends here :]

Name: leo

Pronouns: he/him

Age(or age range): 14-16

Theriotype(s): wolfdog, bear, chimeratherian-thing! ("chimera" as in multiple kintypes, but also literally a chimera/lion-lizard-other thing. feel free to ask abt it)

How did you discover it: randomly stumbled across the alterhuman community on tumblr, specifically from a post where someone stated that they "knew they just were a dragon" and I remember thinking "??? you can do that???"

Over a year later [i'm pretty sure], I've flipped between a identifying as a few different theriotypes as I tried to figure it out, but a lot of my realising what theriotypes I have has come from fictional characters/personas where I gave them the ability to shift into a lion, bear or whatever, and went, "actually, that sounds pretty neat!" and fell from there.

Tell us about yourself: My interests change pretty regularly, but I'm into animations, writing and fandom; I'm living in the UK and I want to have a dog one day. Is that enough info?

BYI: the periods that I'm online can be sporadic and I might be kinda awkward. that's all, I think.

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Reply by UMI_SHR00M


Name: Umi

Pronouns: Idc but perferably he/they

Age(or age range): 13+

Theriotype(s): Raccoon and leopard(maybe its a cougar not sure yet)

How did you discover it: I always had animalistic urges and dicsovered alterhuman/therians and did some research

Tell us about yourself: IM Umi and love to do quadrobics and art in my free time nd listen to music

BYI: I have adhd and autism   and is alittle unhinged and silly so- sorry not sorry- reese's

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Reply by puppypunk 🍉 (the analog horror mf)


Hallo!!! ^w^

Name(s): Wolfpup, Moonie, Fidget 

Age range: 13-16

Pronouns (in order of preference): They/Them, It/Its, Xe/Xem, most neopronouns*, He/Him

Gender ID: Non-Binary [Xenohoarder]

Sexuality: Aroace-spec (Demiromantic/Apothisexual) (suspected lesbian?)

Theriotypes: Black Timberwolf, Feline Clado

Kintypes: Mothman, Ghost, Dragon

Kith/Hearttypes: Crows, Rats

Discovery/Awakening: Did some research, and discovered therianthropy!

A few fandoms I’m in: Marble Hornets, The Mandela Catalogue (I don’t support the creator), Gemini Home Entertainment, Local58, FNAF, Monument Mythos, Wings of Fire, Regretevator, Some creepypastas, Homestuck

BYI I guess:

Satanist, Atheist

Anti-Zoo, Anti-MAP/NOMAP/P3D0

System supporter

Online agere/petre (SFW)

Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Mild Depression, Executive Dysfunction 

Please use tone tagz I’m stupid as heck

*I prefer any cat/pup/furry/cryptid/space related neos + Moth/Moths, Voi/Void, Rot/Rot’s, Bone/Bone’s, Kandi/Kandi’s, Rawr/Rawr’s, Dino/Dino’s, Claw/Claw’s, and don’t use any drug/place/character/+18/sexuality related ones

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Name: Spox

Pronouns: They/them

Age(or age range): 13-16

Theriotype(s): Czech wolfdog and Red fox

How did you discover it: When I was a newly awaked therian, I had searched for days on end for an animal that related to me, or just felt right ig?? I came across the red fox first, and it felt right and familiar I think. I saw Czech wolfdog next, and I felt more confident in saying that was my theriotype :). (I'm still trying to figure myself out even after a year, so red fox isn't one I'd normally say I am)

Tell us about yourself: I'm a furry, traditional artist, and actually really love the hippe/boho aesthetic!

BYI: Nothing much lol

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Reply by beetl


Name: Thomas, Michael, or Beetle (call me whichever)

Pronouns: He/him +neopronouns (No/Noself, Blank/Blankself, ____/____self, Coyote/Coyoteself)

Age(or age range): 15-16

Theriotype(s): Mine fluctuate since I am an omnitherian, but the 2 that remain stagnant are Coyote and fox, tohers that are semi-regular are blacktip reef shark, green anole (lizard), and scarlet macaw

How did you discover it: I saw therians online and did some research

Tell us about yourself: I love psychological horror especially horror with religious themes, I believe I am also Otherkin/Fictionkin, Simon henriksson Donnie Darko and Enderman, I like Silent hill & Cry of Fear a lot +Minecraft too, I am Transgender ftm

BYI: I am an age regressor & pet regressor +dog boy (ANTI ZOO AND NON S3XUAL) I am also a Furry, I think I might be Autistic, but I haven't been able to get a proper diagnosis, my friend said I may have OCD as well, but again I haven't had a diagnosis so nothing has been confirmed

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Reply by ᯓ ★CHOSOS WIFEYY♡




Age(or age range):minor

Theriotype(s):African wild dog, fish(doesn’t know which one yet)

How did you discover it:I always felt the urge that I was an animal but I didn’t know yet. I was unsure about it. and I always felt weird in my body. And I kept wanting to be an animal again. And then I always felt paws and a tail like I was turning in an animal again.

Tell us about yourself:I’m a very nice friend I love to do quads and vocals and I always wanted gear. And I’m sometimes energetic lol.

BYI:used to have seziures, anxiety , insomnia?

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Reply by ♡ Puppy ' Buttr ★~


Name: Puppy'Buttr/PB, though you can give me a nickname if you want (if we're friends)! 

Pronouns: She/Her/They? (Questioning) 

Age(or age range): 15! :3

Theriotype(s): Black Tundra Wolf and Siberian husky. 

How did you discover it: I have had distinct memories of having pups and leaving my pack to be with another Wolf, and well as my tragic passing in the harsh winter storm that had hit as I went out to receive food. And for husky.. Idfk lol it just,, showed up? The husky had always just 'clicked' with me, like it had been there since I was born. I think I might be a system as well, but that's something on the more confusing side that in discussing with my therapist. 

Tell us about yourself: I am a digital and traditional artist, I love music, I love biting/barking at people (I'm never beating the allegations, srry y'all lmaoo), and I love playing indie games like RainWorld, Cattails, Just Shapes And Beats, etc, as well as watching others play horror games! A bunch of other things too, which is all mainly in my about me. 

BYI: ADHD, mood swings on occasion (?), might get a bit snarky of grumpy, but I can contain it well, just not that well irl, and I might rarely make a rude remark or two, but that's only if we're close. 

I'm gonna go howl at the moon now lmaoo

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Reply by Kate Laswell


Name: Alastor

Pronouns: He/Him

Age(or age range): Minor (14-17)

Theriotype(s): Black Coastal wolf, Siberian tiger, Horse of some sort

How did you discover it: Through time and therian relationships (Irl therian friends) as well as internet. I used to align with cats when I was younger, but very aggresive cat at that- I never *really* left my "Animal phase"

Tell us about yourself: I'm extremely interested in the therian community, and very invested in therianthropy- I am committed to things I enjoy :3 EXTREMELY obsess in my hyperfixations. Aro/ace, I love Sc3n3 :3

Furry for 8 years, actively trying to learn russian (failing), OBSESSED with select minecraft mob

BYI: Autism + Bipolar. I may miss social cues, and due to my bpd I may sometime act erratic (when referring to myself) however, I do not actively allow my bpd to affect others

 (Sorry if I have bad english)

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Reply by wizzman


Name: Keenai/Wizzy :3

Pronouns: He/him

Age(or age range): 14

Theriotype(s): Silver Fox, Chocolate Lab, Blue Bay Shepherd, Saarloos Wolfdog, Giant Panda, Brown Bear, Fiery-Billed Aracari, Eastern Coyote, Indochinese tiger

How did you discover it: Shifts and research, also dreams :3

Tell us about yourself: i love arthropods so very much. they are my favorite thing in the whole entire world

BYI: im a bit odd. be patient with me

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