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mental health struggle

Posted by komugi


Forum: Life

lately i have been really struggling to find reasons to live, and i find my depression has been winning more than i have this past month. i'm really starting to lose hope, so i wanted to ask--does anyone have any suggestions for things that could help? also does anyone want to be friends?

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Reply by vcka


i have so much advice for this that i can't put it all here

i was depressed as a teen and started meds in early 20s and they saved my life
i highly recommend antidepressants

but they can't do all the work on their own
the only thing that keeps me sane is finding the little pretty details in every day
not in the basic way like "i could eat today" but like "look at the grass growing through that crack in the pavement that's cool"
there are tiny things about every day that go unnoticed
i find that noticing them brings a whole new perspective to your life and how it should be lived and it really helps to keep the depression at bay
i used to rot and isolate and hope it would go away but its an active process that constantly needs to be stubbed back down
fruitful hobbies like music art and photography are freeing and help you learn how you see the world
before my meds i started abstract painting and it was cool to see how my art changed as i changed
everything comes with time including happiness
you need to explore all the paths there is to the natural world and find what excites and invigorates you and gives you meaning
i love birds public transport cats plants the sky i love anything natural and it makes me feel lucky to be alive on such a lucky little space rock
(i do have to pretend the government and bad things exist) ((my main start to this was becoming literally delusional))

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