posted 1708559177
Forum: ♡Pinterest Babes♡(new) Group
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What's board do you save the MOST pins to?
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posted 1708559331
I have almost 2,000 pins in my "Fandoms" board, I have a lot of obsessions/hyperfixations lol and I save most of the fanart, edits, and memes in there, Its SO FUN
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posted 1727502039
Mine would be my Relatable Board since there's alot of pins that I find relatable. (≧▽≦)
posted 1728452037
I have a bored called “Mental Health silly’s >w< ✨🦋🐾🌀💜👾” and yes exactly that- but it has exactly 947 pins atm and it grows daily :’]
It’s just a bunch of relatable mental health stuff lol