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Where to start with learning bass guitar?

Posted by gremlinincident


Forum: Music

Hi everyone! I've had my bass for a few years and on-and-off tinkered about with it, learning a few songs, but in true adhd perfectionist fashion I've never got further than this because I didn't feel like I was getting better no matter how often I played. This time I want to give it a real go, and I was wondering where people would recommend I start? As I said, I'm at a stage where I can play a few easy songs (think Ramones, Peaches- The Stranglers, Stacy's Mom, etc), and I know some basic music theory from school and playing guitar, but none specific to bass playing. I can carry on picking songs I like and learning them from tabs, but it just feels like I'm not really improving that much as a player, or as much as I think I could be if I found another method to use alongside this. 

Any tips/advice would be really appreciated, thank you!!

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Reply by jorpey☭


bass buzz on yt was my guy for getting my technique right, i dunno what's better as far as youtube tutorials lol. the real difference maker is obv gonna be playing more days than you dont. If you can get like 30 minutes in on most days you'll get cracked pretty quick

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Reply by gremlinincident


@jorpey I'll have a look at their channel, thank you!! And I'm definitely going to try and make it a habit as often as I can :D

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