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favorite vocaloid????

i wanna know u guys’ fave vocaloids!!! mine is piko i love him sm

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Reply by Nikolai


PIKOS SO COOL!!!! Right now I really like po-uta!! :D

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Reply by sera ☄️



defoko is really super good when she's tuned well!! I also adore meika mikoto, her voice is very nice to me!! gumi and vflower are the hashtag goats. I specifically like miku's v4x solid voicebank the most out of all the silly miku voicebanks! kyo is a very strong male voicebank that I like! alot of the synthvs are also super good, like anri and kevin! my fave synthv is and will always be eleanor forte though, her voice just sounds so nice to me ^w^

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Reply by Ellie<3


Mine is Rin :3! Idk y I just rly like her!!1!1!!!1!

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