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Most nostalgic scene or emo song?

What do you think is your most nostalgic scene or emo (or -adjacent) song?  Or can you not choose?  If so, list your top picks out!  :D

I’ll start!  For me, it’s gotta be “Love Like Woe” by The Ready Set.  That song just screams childhood for me!!!!

Some honorable mentions are “Shake It” by Metro Station, “What The Hell” and “Girlfriend” by Avril Lavigne, “DONTTRUSTME” and “STARSTRUKK” by 3OH!3, “You’re So Creepy” by Ghost Town, and LOTS of Ke$ha’s older stuff tbh.

It was so hard to narrow it down to a #1 most nostalgic song!!!!  I know I picked a lot of suuuuper popular ones, but hey, they’re the ones I heard everywhere back then!!  There may even be more that I’m not remembering right now…  o///o

As you can probably tell by my choices, I am more of a scene kid than emo, LOL.  :P

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Reply by Julᶻ 𝗓 𐰁ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁


not good enough for truth in cliché by escape the fate lol, that sing cripples me every time i hear it lmao its so nostalgic 

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