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weird shift experience?

**TW: what i wrote could cause a trigger cause it envolves bullying (or... something like that? IDK if i've actually been bullied or if im just sensitive)

Currently I don't have many involuntary shifts, but I've had a few during school. Here is one of them:

I remember that in my first year on high school I had a mental/sensory shift during class. There where only 2 person with me, but one of them had told this to a guy who studied with us but hadn't seen what happened. In the next day this guy talked about it to a group of students, so they started whispering and laughing at me. (at least they didn't tell other person about it, and after a while they stopped teasing me and talking about what happened.

Well... Have anyone had an involuntary shift that led to an... embarrassing situation?

Sorry if have writing errors, english isn't my first language :/

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Reply by UMI_SHR00M


Ive never had a shift before but i feel its similiar this happened 2 days ago actually i was out in the woods and doing quadrobics then i went to go climb a tree and was just messing around and was being urgent to get up the tree but before i even got to the tree i was having some flashes of a raccoon (i was the raccoon) running from a doberman dog and some other dog and a panic set in so i climbed the tree really fast and had a flash of falling but i didnt actually and there wasnt a dog it was in my mind tho so maybe a past life? Im not sure ive never remmebered anything from a past life so i dont know and ive never shifted so maybe it was both because i was acting it out physically climbing up the tree with urgency but the setting was different in my eyes it wasnt teh actual setting and place i was in 

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Reply by UMI_SHR00M


sorry alot to read this is new to me lol

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