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If you could make a game based on lacey, what ocs would you use? (pics or descs if possible <3)

(i have already made mines, the first link is on my account and you can enter to my scratch account by it)

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Reply by Yukiimuffinz


Idk I don't have O.C's for that (still) but, I do have an O.C. named Yumeii that I made when I was 10 that just happened to ALSO be stalked like Lacey and from a lost game, just that instead of it being a flash game it was from a visual novel :p

there's the silly


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Reply by gelly


I'd make a movie theater game. You'd be given different tasks like serve the customers, make sureĀ  the movie runs smoothly, and clean up after them. I like the idea of the fear of the unknown. But I'm not sure what would be scarier, a cryptid or a human being. Maybe it would just be the darkness. I'd probably use my oc, Esther. He's scared easily and kind looks like Lacy. Perfect horror movie protag.

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