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Why did God made us if he does not need us

I used to be a harcore christain but then I started to question everything about my beliefs. The question of why God made us eats me alive. He does not need us yet he wants us to need him and him being a powerful being why didi he ever felt like making us knowing we were gonna screw it up. He made Lucifer the most beautiful angel knowing that would cause him to rebel against him, and yes free will, angels have free will but God made Lucifer knowing that he was going to rebel against him and sent him to the very garden with Adam and Eve knowing he was going to tempt Eve. And yes it is our free will, we have a choice between good and bad but God knew we were not going to chose good, he knew Eve was going to fall into temptation to eat the forbidden fruit yet he still made her. If he knew so much chaos was gonna be mad from sin and him being all powerful why simply just not make such beings, why not bother at all. 

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Reply by Jinnicide


Reply by shorti ๑˃́ε˂̀๑


i am not a christian, i´m muslim, but here are my thoughts on this:

One of Allahs many attributes is wisdom. He is called al-Hakim (the most wise). Allah/God told us in various verses of the Quran that He has not created us as a mere play with no beneficial purpose. 

Although mankind is doomed to be sinful, the turning point of it all is your faith. The most important thing is your faith in the Creator and the worship (good deeds) you serve Him. This is the test in this world.

Now, knowing that Allah is the most wise of all and that He has created mankind, the heaven and earth for a sublime purpose, their might even be things that we cannot understand or comprehend yet; all we know is that this life is a test for the beliefers and non-beliefers and that we will be held accountable and be judged by Allah at the end of times - and we need to remember Allah is the most merciful.

but why did Allah create us if he does not need us?

perhaps we will never really, fully understand all the reasons for the creation of this universe. 

like previously stated, Allah did not create us without wisdom behind it. He also created us to worship Him. We need Him. We are servants of Allah rather than purely slaves to the worldly life.

Our free will is also what will qualifies us to get Allahs Honor and with Allahs mercifulness, we will earn the ever lasting reward of Jannah/paradise/heaven. What we know for sure is, that this life and test is porpuseful and will determine our afterlife for eternity. 

i also want you to consider the following thoughts:

not everything is done for a exact need. like an artist painting a picture. he does not necessarily need to paint a picture, it rather is a matter of putting his skill into action. 

in the end, Allah knows best. I hope this doens´t sound to confusing and maybe helps giving you more input on your question. Also, i´m not a scholar in islam so i´m not insanely knowledgable on this topic but i want to share what i know regardless :) take care!

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Reply by aries


he did it as a social experiment

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Reply by Pretzle


I think its because he loves us. Ik we go thru lots of things that make us wonder if God rlly loves us but we have to remember that God isnt the reason for the bad things going on if u want I can explain that more to u but I think he wants us to be in heaven with him when we eventually die and he wants to talk to us and he wants to see us happy. Also he wants us to share God's goodness with everyone else so that hopefully that seed we planted will make them learn abt God and live for him and be able to also talk to him. Hope  this helps and I think all Christians go through this questioning its normal. I think its important bc we shouldnt just follow anything blindly but through getting to know God through his word and my experiences with him I believe 100% he exists and he loves us so much

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