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thoughts on the new vs. old internet argument?

i call the "new vs. old internet argument" that because i see a lot of discussion lately about how much even sites like google or twitter (or almost any social media for that matter) are getting worse. creative sites like club penguin, myspace, etc are shut down at this point and it's getting harder and harder to find fun sites like them. platforms like youtube are becoming endlessly flooded with content made by millionaires wasting their money exploding shit for no reason, leaving the humble beginnings of people like you and i just talking in our bedrooms. twitter is owned by a bigoted asshole who is ruining the site as we speak, the communities of these socials are seemingly getting worse, bots are flooding these spaces too and that's not even to mention what AI has and WILL do to the internet in the future.

i do think there's a light at the end of this tunnel. alternative socials like spacehey, youtubers talking in their bedrooms again, mrbeastification growing tired and tired by the day, etc. truth is, people are growing tired of this stuff. and although ai's just started, this gives me hope that after it's prime, others will grow tired of it too, even more than we already are, shoving it down the disgusting hole it came from. but what do you think? what is the biggest problem with the internet currently? is ai good? is the internet just fine? let me know in this forum.

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Reply by ori ✮



it's so hard to find enjoyable content anymore unless you've already had a solid account on a platform for a while and have built up your interests/feed/and algorithm so it'll show you stuff you like. Still, when creating a new account on YouTube or Twitter or anything like that it's just the same stuff you find everywhere which isn't even enjoyable. It's so infuriating that even if you work on interacting with stuff and trying to build that familiarity it just isn't the same as it used to be anymore. So many bots flood social media nowadays which further ruins the entire experience too. Not to mention all the creep, which will always be around on social media, but the amount of them and the hold they can get on their platforms seems to be increasing as time continues. It's disturbing how things like that seem to get a free pass nowadays either. 

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This is very real, I'm thinking about abandoning Twitter and just using Spacehey and Instagram, we should realize that billionaires don't care about people like us, we should even use more chans, Forums, blogs etc...WE ARE SON'S OF THE REVOLUTION ✊

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